A Great Proposal Idea!

Many times after we help someone pick out the perfect diamond engagement ring the first question they ask me is:

"Where should I pop the big question?"

Being a seasoned native New Yorker, I sometimes would offer my advice. In my opinion, one of the most breathtaking and romantic spots in the city to propose is Central Park. No matter what time of year it is, the park is alive and the perfect place. Take a nice leisurely stroll down Strawberry Fields and make your way to the row boats. Once there. you can either rent a row boat or take a gondola ride. I always prefer to row. It gives you an opportunity to pull over somewhere cozy, sit back and gaze at the city skyline and pop the question.

If rowing is not your thing, then pack a picnic basket with all of your favorite snacks and propose on the biggest lawn in the city. There will always be someone there eager to take photos for you as well.

If lying on the lawn with the bugs does not interest you, then there’s always the Boat House Restaurant. Conveniently located right next to the row boats, this restaurant overlooks the lake and all of the other lovebirds rowing. This is the perfect setting to set the mood so you may propose intimately. This restaurant offers outdoor seating from the spring to the end of the summer. It is my personal favorite. My wife and I go there at least once every summer for a row around the lake and to do some people watching.

If those were not enough great suggestions on where to “pop the question” in Central Park then here is one more. If you are not the shy type, there is always the infamous bridge overlooking the water. This is a wonderful spot to get down on one knee and propose or grab a smooch .The on-lookers will clap and cheer for you as she says “YES!” So the next time you are thinking about where to propose, consider Central Park. Your fiancé will be very impressed with your choice on where you will ask her to spend the rest of your lives together and live happily ever after. Check back soon for more great proposal ideas, no purchase necessary.


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